Otherwise, hire a nanny if your Sim has to work late at night (generally after 10 PM) or. If that friend isn't visiting the lot, then you can call your friend up and invite him or her over. The 'sectionals' are free, though the full InSimenator machine costs §1. Got Blood Only if your Sim isn't friend/best friend with another Sim in order to ask him or her to watch your kids. The InSimenator machine and 'sectionals' appear in the Electronics -> All menu in Buy Mode they are not in any sub-category. The InSimenator has many separate objects known as 'sectionals', most of which have options that are not available on the full InSimenator machine. It can also be used to set relationships, summon Sims to a lot, promote and delete, make a Sim richer or poorer, etc.
It can be used to age a child townie into a teen without having FreeTime installed. The InSimenator can be used to resurrect a dead Sim without having University, FreeTime, or Apartment Life installed. The cheat appears as an object, and is basically a way to access many of the functions of testingcheatsenabled without having to use cheat codes. Non volete usare lInSimenator per non rovinarvi il gioco Ecco qua la. The InSimenator is a cheat object that is largely built around the testingcheatsenabled cheat, such as the ability to make Sims selectable and unselectable, making them pregnant with anyone in the neighborhood, seeing their gender preference, summoning them, killing them, setting relationships, etc.